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Quintic Consultancy Ltd.
Unit 8, The Courtyard, Roman Way
Coleshill, Birmingham
B46 1HQ, UK
+44(0)1676 530 730 | +44(0)1675 620 999
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Quintic High Performance Bar Light

Quintic High Performance Bar Light

The ‘Quintic High Performance Bar Light’ has 18 LEDs with 40 degree optics providing exceptional lighting, both indoor and outdoors, to ensure optimal lighting conditions for automatic and intelligent tracking for a wide range of applications, for example sprinting, throwing, rugby, equine, cricket, golf, football….
As standard the ‘Quintic High Performance Bar Light’ is powered by mains power, but there is an additional option of a battery pack, especially useful for “in the field” applications. It is recommend a separate tripod is used for the light (2.75Kg), and must be placed directly behind the camera, thus ensuring the reflective markers are visible to the camera.
Quintic ‘Bar’ Light | Quintic Sports